2013年12月18日 星期三

批改過的 The Last[E1] Year in High School

      The  Last[E1]   Year  in  High  School
     The  last  year  in  high  school,  my  main  concern  was  [E2] how  to  pass  the upcoming  college  examination[E3] .  Everyday   I  went  to  bed  and  got  up  as early  as  [E4] possible.  I  took[E5]    regular  exercise  to  keep  my body  healthy.  Most  of the
time I concentrated  on  my  homework,  so  I  have  interest  in  pursuing[E6]   knowledge.  I  find  out  that  the  more  books  I  read,  the  more  I  am  mentally [E7] enriched.  In  that  year,   my life was [E8]   pains-taking  and   full  of  hope  .

 [E1]‘Last’ is already the superlative form. You don’t need to add ‘est’.
 [E2]This is past tense so I think that you have already finished school.
 [E3]‘examine’ is the verb. We need the noun here – examination.
 [E4]Here you can say ‘as early as possible’ or you can say ‘as early as I could’.
 [E5]For some reason Taiwanese teachers always teach students to say ‘take exercise’, but no one where I’m from says that. We usually say ‘got some exercise’.
 [E6]‘pursuit’ is a noun and ‘pursue’ is a verb. Don’t mix them together.
 [E7]Here you can use the adverb ‘mentally’ to get your point across more smoothly.
 [E8]It’s not clear if you are finished with this year yet or not. I guess this time has already passed so we should use past tense.

