2013年12月18日 星期三

批改過的My High School Life

My   High   School   Life
My  high  school  life  is  not  only  interesting,  but  also   enriching[H1] .  Everyday  I  must  get  up  early  in  order  to  get   to  school  on  time.  There is a lot of homework,  but  teachers   teach  us  with  all  their  heart.  I  am always busy  doing  my  homework  and  rewiewing  it.  In  these  three  years,  I  am  sure  to  get  previous lot of  knowledge.

My   High   School   Life
     In  high  school,  I  did  not  study  hard.  I  usually  cut  class.  I  joined  many  extracurricular  activities,  so  I  wasn’t able to  concentrate  on  my  homework.  As  I  look  back,  I  should  not have wasted  my  precious  time.  If it wasn’t  for absent-mindedness  in  that  time,  I  could have  become  an  excellent  student.

Comment: Please refer to my comment on the top right for a specific tip on using adjectives. Other than that, I don’t know if your computer formatted this incorrect or whether you did it, but you shouldn’t have two spaces between each word. I would delete one space between the words. Other than that you only had a few grammar mistakes. Take care.


 [H1]When you are using an adjective to describe an object like “high school life,” it will end in “ing.” If you are describing yourself, then use “ed.”

